10 - DELIKUS : Page 48
“C'mon, Dija...”
And thus concludes Chapter 10, and our boy Serin is back!
Thanks for your patience in waiting for this to be posted! I had an insane week that kept me from working on this when I planned to. On Wednesday I'll be talking about the debut of Chapter 11 and updating the status of the Book 1 print! :) Thanks everyone!
July 26th Update: Happy Wednesday to those checking up on the site! Thank you all for your patience. It feels like an entire lifetime has passed since the chapter concluded. A lot of things happened in my personal life, with a lot of them being very sad and very difficult. I won't bore you with the details but life is a bit hard for me at the moment. I'm picking up the pieces and I very much plan on resuming the comic as soon as I can.
I'll keep you all posted here and on social media. Thank you all for your readership!
May 17th Update: Today is Wednesday! I would've liked to pair this with the title page like I usually do, but I have so much going on that I didn't have time to draw it up. I'll have to talk about things here in the Author's Comments.
As I alluded to, I have a ton of things happening in both my personal and professional life. I'm currently looking for more work since unfortunately the income I make on Patreon, as grateful I am for it, isn't sustainable. I'm also preparing for a show next month that I'm wrapping up, dealing with grievances involving my home, and working on the Book 1 print still. There's also a mess of mental health issues I've been experiencing for the past year, and that has made everything else more difficult, but I'm slowly working on that as well.
The Book 1 print is actually why I want to take maybe an extended break from the comic. While I'm determined to not have it printed until I approve of the quality, I realize I am taking a very long time to get it done. I'm beyond appreciative that everyone is so patient with my pre-press journey.
With regards to the debut of Chapter 11, I don't exactly have a solid date just yet of when I plan on debuting it, but the comic will return sometime this summer. I'll chime in with updates here every Wednesday as things come along.
My future has never been so uncertain, but I can't help but be optimistic.
Thank you all for your readership and support. ♥